Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Break

Okay, so are we reading the Intro to The Philosophy of History over Christmas? I remember Dr. Davis and Mr. York talking about it.


  1. Intro to the Philosophy of History or Intro to the History of Philosophy?
    The Philosophy of History is certainly more famous. It is available in many different volumes, including one from hackett that has 3 introductions to 3 different lecture courses.

  2. Check out:

    There you can browse the introductions to various lecture courses and decide what you think is most worth reading right now.

  3. I vote The Philosophy of History.

  4. Er, I must rescind my vote. Christmas Break is rapidly becoming a lot shorter than I thought it was, and at the moment I'm knee-deep in The Concept of Anxiety. Also, I promised Dr. Anderson that I'd read the Nic Ethics over break. I'm not sure if I can handle three texts at once.

  5. I didn't see this until today, haha.

    If I were to put my vote towards reading something of Hegel, I'd vote for the Science of Logic.
